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Who We Are
We started as a small company in a tiny warehouse. Now, 2 years later we have 30+ full time employees and ship thousands of computers a month! We work hard to connect with our customers.
Meet the Team
Introduce Yourself To Our Department Heads

Caleb Borgstrom
Caleb focuses on future growth and ways to improve customer confidence in their purchasing decision. He is in charge of creating marketing campaigns and coming up with new and innovative features to improve the products and the customers experience as a whole.

Karina Gentile
Operations Manager
Karina is well organized and incredibly focused. She is in charge of consistently improving and optimizing all of the LYTE operations for both the gaming and workstation departments.

David “Chuck” Richards
Director of Content
David (who’s referred to as “Chuck”) is in charge of all content creation. He manages our social media accounts and comes up with content ideas. His goal is to provide consistent content to help our audience feel connected with LYTE!

Chris De Anda
Head of Production
Chris focuses on the day-to-day operations of LYTE. He ensures that all of the departments tied to the production process (warehouse, inventory, build team, quality control, etc.) are running efficiently and communicating effectively. He “brings balance to the force”.

Gabriel Diamond
Director of Digital Design & Social Media
Gabriel is responsible for all of the Digital Design at LYTE. From the Website, Social Media and overall Digital Footprint, he is always creating. There isn’t an application in the Adobe Suite he doesn’t use.

Kevin Kang
Inventory Manager
Kevin is in charge of all procurement and inventory management. He works daily with companies like ASUS, Kingston, Gigabyte, AMD, etc. He is in charge of making sure all parts are in stock to fulfill orders.

Mackenzie Zerkel
Customer Service Manager
Mac is in charge of everything with customer service. He manages the customer service team, helps solve customer questions, and ensures all customers that reach out to us have a great experience.

Jericho Jashinsky
Build Lead
Jericho is in charge of the PC building team. If any builders have questions they turn to him. He ensures that all builders are building PCs efficiently and at the quality standards we expect!
What We Do
We break the prices down for you so it’s easy to understand exactly what you are buying. We show you the price of each part in the PC. We charge a $100 Build Fee for our Pre-Built options and frequently offer sales. The total you see is the actual price you pay!
We work hard to get you more real world performance for your money than any other Pre-Built PC Company.
How we do it
We break the prices down for you so it’s easy to understand exactly what you are buying. We show you the price of each part in the PC. We charge a $100 Build Fee for our Pre-Built options and frequently offer sales. The total you see is the actual price you pay!
We work hard to get you more real world performance for your money than any other Pre-Built PC Company.